Venue Hire Eastbourne

Bring Your Event Here!

The Grove is available for companies and individuals to use either as a performance space, or to hold meetings, seminars, classes, and other activities. Situated in the centre of Eastbourne and close to both the train station and bus terminus, the theatre is an ideal location.

Our present maximum capacity is 120. The room can be arranged in a variety of ways to be discussed once audience or attendee numbers are confirmed

There are two standard options for hire:

  • 60/40 Box Office split in visiting company's favour. The Grove manages ticket sales and the event is listed on our website, brochure and social media. If you wish to take up this option, complete a Proposal Form by following the link. Please note we receive a great many requests to bring shows here to fill increasingly competitive slots and as such cannot answer all of them. If we would like to enter into a discussion with you about your event, we will contact you.
  • Standard hire of £30 per hour, with a minimum of six hours' hire for Fridays and Saturdays, and four hours' hire at other times. If hire is for a ticketed event, the visiting company handles all ticket sales and publicity for their event and takes 100% of the revenue. Should you wish to hire the venue, complete a hire form by clicking on the link. If you would like us to run Box Office for you, there is an additional cost for this.

We will run the bar ourselves; there is no additional cost for this.

If you have any questions, please email us.

PRS (Performing Rights Fees)

Since we opened three years ago, we have absorbed the entire cost of our PPL PRS licenses and fees for both live and recorded music at The Grove. PRS, short for Performing Rights Society represents the interests of its members who compose and write the music and lyrics. PPL, short for Phonographic Performance Limited represents the actual recording of the music i.e. all the musicians who performed on the recording of the music.

Due to our own increasing costs, we regret that we must now follow the common practice of passing on these expenses. This comes into effect for all relevant new show and events agreements made after the date of this notice.

The Grove Team, November 1 2022

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