Venue Accessibility

At the present time we regret there isn’t an access point to and from the venue that a mobility impaired person can use unaided. Sadly, no thought was given to such provision when buildings like the Central Library, in which the theatre is located, were designed.

We have been looking for possible solutions from the outset. We are currently in discussion with East Sussex County Council regarding improving access at the venue which includes a full disability audit. In that cause, we have agreed with ESCC’s Fire Officer from the Property Department that any individual wishing to visit the theatre must provide their own supporters/carers and must be able to evacuate in case of emergency. We can also arrange for them to have access to the building before our advertised door opening times for a given event.  Please contact us in advance if you wish to make these arrangements.

If you would like a seat with arm rests, we can provide these, subject to availability. Please contact us if you require one.

We are grateful to The Chalk Cliff Trust for a generous donation to replace the flooring on our stairwells for improved colour contrast to aid visitors who are visually impaired.


Individuals who are registered disabled may claim a free ticket for their carer, subject to availability.

Please note that there is only one carer ticket per person; additional carer tickets required must be paid for at the standard price.

To qualify for the carer’s ticket, a full price or appropriate concession ticket must be purchased. We ask you to then notify us that the purchase has been made and that you wish to claim a carer’s ticket. We will then issue the carer’s ticket to the email address associated with the purchase.

Stairwell 3
Staircase leading from the Grove Theatre Eastbourne to the Library entrance
Stairwell 1